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Supporting personal growth, self-actualization and inclusion in the community.
A Passion For What’s Possible
Founded in 1981, the Cooperative for Human Services Inc. is a multi-service organization that provides residential services, independent living supports, and guardianship services for people with intellectual and other related disabilities. Our mission is to empower, support, and expand the knowledge, skill, and natural capacities of the people we serve to direct and live full and meaningful lives within their community.
Evolving with Excellence
We have a mission to fulfill – to ensure that every person with special needs served by us lives a truly happy and fulfilling life and is a respected citizen of the community. We sincerely appreciate your direct financial contributions, volunteerism, family referrals and partnerships. Your generosity has allowed us to continue the development of ground-breaking opportunities for the people we serve. Evolution of Excellence is an example of an innovative initiative that focuses attention on each individual and the unique personal story that shapes their personalities, dreams, experiences and daily lives.
There is so much more we can achieve and we invite you to join us and share our passion for what’s possible. We need your support. Please donate today.
Do You Dream About What’s Possible for Your Family?
Share our Passion for What’s Possible and together we’ll make that dream come true. At Cooperative Homes we specialize in the unique design and delivery of services that help you meet the special needs of your family member in the home setting of your choice. We know what life is like today for adults with disabilities and we know you hold a vision of a life where they can thrive and find joy. So how do you start to build that dream? It begins with a partnership between you and the team of experienced professionals at Cooperative Homes. For over 40 years we have designed unique supports for Massachusetts families and use our passion to identify possibilities that lead to new opportunities.

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Cooperative for Human Services

Cooperative for Human Services